Saturday, December 14, 2013

Politics Not Permitted

     This political cartoon image has three components, which are placed on a white background.  The blank background makes the three components in the image stand out.  

The first component is the elephant on left side of screen.  The elephant is red on the bottom and blue on the top with three white stare.  The red, white and blue colors are representative of the American flag.  The elephant is the symbol for the Rebublican Paty.  

The second component is the donkey on right side of the frame.  Like the elephant it is red on the bottom and the top is blue with three white stars. Life the colors on the elephant, this is symbolic of the American flag.  The donkey is the symbol of the Democratic Party.  

When we see the red white and blue elephant and the red white and blue donkey we know this is a political image which is referring to the two major political parties in the United States.

The third component of the image is a red circle with a red line or back slash through it.  This symbol in the NO symbol.  It is a universal symbol for no or not prohibited.  When we put the three elements of the image together we can conclude that the image means politics is not promitted.  When I did a reverse search to see where the image came from, it war from and was meant to mean that politics, the discussion of politics or the pushing of one's political beliefs onto one's co-workers should not be allowed because it can lead to problems in the workplace.

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