Friday, November 1, 2013

Trick or Treat

     The visual elements contained in this image are the three trick or treaters', the lady on her door step with candy and the two seperate areas with text.  They are combined to illustrate visually that the Repbuclian party is over reacting to Obama care or acting as "drama queens."

     The most important Halloween character is the elephant.  This is indicated by hierarchy of scale, placement in the frame and color. The elephant is much larger than the other two trick or theaters’, which makes it stand out.  It is also placed in the center of the frame, a place importance.  It is dressed in bright colors, mostly purples and pinks, which  brings even more attention the it. 

     There are two important areas of text in this image.  The first being the sign held by the elephant.  The second is the text in the thought/ speech bubble over the head of the lady on her doorstep.  The elephant, a symbol of the Republican Party is holding a sign which say “Obama care will destroy America!”  This tells the viewer that Republicans are against Obama care.  The thought bubble above the head which ready “A witch, a zombie and a drama queen…” is important because it gives the viewer the main message of the image which is that the Republican party is overreacting to implementation of Obama care in America.

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